But anyways, I've been documenting the growing baby and belly and have yet to share the photos. Let me warn you... you might be in for a laugh... Justin wanted in on these photos too. He was not about to be left out of this process! He wants to show off how his belly is shrinking as opposed to mine growing. He's currently training for a half marathon in February and cutting back on the beer, which helps.
10 Weeks - Baby is the size of KUMQUAT
The kumquat we found was a little smaller than a 10 week developing baby is predicted to be. He was approximately 1.25 inches long. I didn't have a visible belly to take a picture of, so I didn't even attempt it.
Week 11 - Baby is the size of a LIME
At 11 weeks along and baby only about 1.5 inches long, I still didn't have a measurable bump yet, even though I definitely noticed I was fluffier around the middle. The thing is, belly bloat isn't nearly as cute to take a picture of.
Week 12 - Baby is the size of a KIWI
...or a plum or an apricot. Depending on which pregnancy app gives you your info. I cut open the kiwi so you could see what it was, so just imagine it's just over 2 inches long. I finally felt like I might be growing, so I jumped at the chance to sport a tighter t-shirt in our weekly photo. This was ALSO the week we found out that we were having a boy and revealed that his name will be Hayes.
Week 13 - Baby is the size of a JALAPENO
I heard his heart beat this week! It was a beautiful 161 beats per minute. Hayes was about 3 inches long and the size of a jalapeno or a peach. Sad story: the only jalapenos I found were giant (Everything's bigger in Texas, I guess?) so I opted to buy some peaches. But what happens when a pregnant girl has delicious ripe peaches around? Yeah. I ate the baby. So I ended up buying another one but it was already time for the 14 week photo. Which leads me to...
Week 14 - Baby is the size of a BEET
Between 12 and 14 weeks, I definitely started seeing a much more bloated belly. Of course, it's always more pronounced in the evening (when this was taken). Hayes was already around 3.5 inches long and, apparently, moving around like crazy.
Week 15 - Baby is the size of an AVOCADO
Finally, we're in real time! This week baby Hayes is the size of an avocado, or about 4 inches long. It's crazy how much of his development is complete by now. I just wish I had an ultrasound machine so I could spy on him right this very second. Oh yeah, and check out that bump on mama (daddy still wins)!
And that brings us to today! Tonight we're getting wild and tagging items for our garage sale in the morning. The goal is to eliminate not only the junk that has piled up in the guest bedroom/ soon-to-be nursery, but most of the inventory from Charmed Vintage Rentals (waaaahhhh... R.I.P.). That means we need to unload literally dozens of mismatched chairs, vintage sofas, pretty salvaged doors, and SO MUCH MORE. Better get back to it. Wish us luck!
Aww, look at your bump! This is so cute. And I totally know what you mean about spying on the baby. We have an ultrasound machine at work, so I'd sometimes perform an ultrasound on myself lol.