Essential Oils & Our Family

27 May, 2018

You might be curious about essential oils. You might be curious about Young Living and how I'm making extra income. You might not care are at all about any of it.

If the latter is true, you might want to stop reading now because I'm going to give you a quick rundown of how essential oils are changing our lives.

Hayes LOVES using oils. He gets excited that he has "his own" oils that he gets to use himself.
He rolls a Wellness Roller (Lavender + Frankincense + Gentle Baby) on his feet before bed and gets to spray his bed, pillows, and stuffed animals with Sleepy Juice Spray (Gentle Baby + Lavender).

My journey with oils really began last Winter when Texas was hit HARD by the flu. It ran rampant throughout school districts and even shut entire schools down! Being that Justin is a teacher and Hayes is in preschool, I was extremely worried about us all exposing poor little Poppy, who was too young to be given a flu shot.

That's when I heard about these magical essential oils and their ability to support our immune systems. I researched so that I could have the best oils money could buy. I wanted the best of the best. I mean, this is my family's health we're talking about and why would I not want to invest in them?

Amazon reviews of more affordable oils were the scariest. So I decided that it didn't matter the cost, I was going with the most reputable company to make sure my family and I were in safe hands. That led me to Young Living. The amount of support and encouragement I got when I joined with my starter kit was mind blowing. I couldn't believe how committed these women were to improving their lives & health and helping me to do the same!

Now oils are a huge part of our daily lives & we've cut out soooo many chemicals that we used to expose ourselves to. Some of the ways we incorporate essential oils everyday:

  • We diffuse a calming combo for Hayes every evening to wind down.
  • We roll a teething blend onto Poppy's jaw & cheeks at bedtime.
  • We all use an immune support roller daily.
  • When we clean, do dishes, and laundry.
  • When we brush our teeth and wash our hair & bodies.

If you're not already following along with my oil account on Instagram, you should check it out. I post tips, tricks, recipes and lots of deals and giveaways. And if this post has really sparked something in you, feel free to join my team and start your own wellness journey with essential oils.

Stem And Root Essential Oil Instagram Account

Don't get me wrong. It's been a gradual process and we're not completely chemical free yet or anything. I'm slowly but surely replacing our grocery store products (ie. body wash, toothpaste, cleaning products, diaper rash cream, baby wipes, etc.) with Young Living versions with every monthly order and incorporating oils into our daily routines. We're still just beginning, but it's a huge step in the right direction for my family's health and it feels really good.

Jordan Dunaway StemandRoot Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

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