It's been a while since I've popped in here. The last time I posted, we had just celebrated Hayes turning 3 and Poppy turning 1. Now they're almost 6 months older than that! Where does time even go?!
What's new with us? Oh just the same ol' same ol'!
Poppy walks and tries to talk. She's a woman of few words. Mostly Mama, Dada, Bubba, Wawa, Kuhkuh (ketchup or cookie... MY GIRL!). She's turning into a little bit of a mama's girl and I won't complain one bit. Both kids went through this and I'm sure she will grow out of it soon.
She also started Mother's Day Out/preschool in September and LOVES it. We're obsessed with the school both kids go to and the teachers there too. It's a church near us and the ladies love our kids so well that I can never imagine leaving! Poppy has really started developing her own little loving personality since starting school.
We're still struggling a bit with the previous dairy issue. We've narrowed it down to excessive dairy making her sick with several different gastrointestinal issues. So while we still give her whole milk throughout the day, we are limiting the yogurt, cheese, and ice cream to about zero.
She's become such a great little sleeper and loves her routine. Sometimes she will even walk into her bedroom and turn her sound machine on to signal that she's tired. Yes, I'm bragging! She was so difficult as a baby that I never thought this day would come.
Hayes is still my champion sleeper but now has decided he only prefers a diet made up of black beans, rice, "tacos" (ground beef in a soft tortilla), chicken nuggets, meatballs and fried okra. There may be a couple others, but those are requested daily and almost nothing else is ever touched when it's on his plate. I'll take ALL the picky eater advice, but I should say I've read a ton on the subject and haven't found a solution.
He's in his 3rd year of preschool and as always, has the most wonderful teachers. They have been loving and patient and kind as he enters his "terrible threes". Y'all, it's been rough. If it wasn't a church school, they would have each received a 6 pack of WINE from me for Christmas.
We're planning on signing Hayes up for t-ball this upcoming Spring and we're all pretty jazzed about that. Even contemplating karate to help with his discipline "issues". (Although, I realize he's a typical 3 year old rowdy boy.) All that aside, he can still be the sweetest, most thoughtful and affectionate little boy to his mama and his baby sister. And goodness, is he sharp as a tack or WHAT?! Pretty sure we have a future attorney on our hands with how well he can argue any case. He is also standing firm on his position of NOT cutting his hair until it's long "like mommy's". We'll see about that.
Justin is teaching, coaching, occasionally driving Coppell teams on a yellow school bus, and loving life. We just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary and spent it in Fredericksburg, TX trying out vineyard after vineyard. We followed that trip up with a couples weekend in Broken Bow, OK. Both were so amazing and I can't wait to go back!
As for me, I just recently hit a huge goal with our Young Living oil business (yes, I'm one of THOSE network marketers! Run!! JK) and 8 months into the business, I can proudly call myself a Silver leader. This couldn't have come at a better time, helloooo Christmas shopping! I'm just so amazed at the progress our little team has made and how much we've grown since my first paycheck back in February of $11. For anyone skeptical, just email me. Once you change your way of thinking about MLMs, that's when you see the real potential for growth and frankly, INCOME.
Anyway, I digress. I just popped on here to give a little Dunaway family update and share our family photos that we took with Cassie Loree Photography. Try not to melt when you see my kiddos loving on each other!
And to also wish you all a very very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!!
my goodness, looks like a Spiegel's or Nordstrom's catalog. Y'all couldn't be any cuter!!Love you guys! Love Mama