Our little monkey turned three weeks old last Thursday. While he's still super sweet and loves snuggling with us, he's also been extra fussy and now cries to no end for no apparent reason. This was especially troubling for me this past week since Justin went back to work for his new-hire orientation and I was alone with Hayes for the first time.
Gripe water didn't seem to work, so when I read online about Gerber Colic Drops, I had Justin run out to get them. They seem to reduce his crying by a LOT... however, as I type this, he is crying again for the 10th time this hour. But he did sleep 7 hours straight last night and that's a first!
I know that pretty much everything we do with a newborn is considered a "first", but some others that stood out this week were:
Being worn in a wrap and actually liking it. I was able to vacuum and pick up around the house while he was fussing and not wanting to be put down.
Getting to tag along on Duke and Dakota's evening walk. I haven't been able to walk long distances while recovering, but I finally felt up for it this week. It was crazy thinking back to all the many walks Duke, Dakota, Justin and I went on while I was pregnant and how we imagined bringing Hayes out with us. Even 3 weeks later, I still can't believe he's here.
Sitting with his Boppy pillow for the first time. He loved it!
He also joined me and my mom for lunch at my favorite little French restaurant, Bonnie Ruth's. The memorable "first" here was the Bellini I had as my first alcoholic beverage in 9+ months. YUM!
Justin will be home this upcoming week, then starts his new teaching job in Coppell the following week- the same day I go back to work too. As you can imagine, we will be soaking up as much Hayes time as we can before real life sets in and our routine changes once again.
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